A hidden valley of pure beauty in the Austrian Alps. Far away from civilisation and therefore still wild and quiet. Even Though it’s only 1,5 hours drive from Salzburg. There are several peaks to climb and breathtaking lakes do dive into.
This area inhabits a nice variety of wildlife that can be spotted with our knowledgeable guide. Deer, chamoix along with thousands types of birds make this a unique place.
We will be sleeping in basic wooden cabins with no one else but us around. The food is local and fresh and the water we drink and bathe in comes right from the stream.
Not many places in central Europe that are this unspoilt and beautiful as this area.
This Iceman retreat is a no nonsense, back to nature experience with high quality teachings on breathwork and cold-water training. It is meant to help you push your boundaries, deal with fear and to guide you from your mind to your body. You will learn that you can get totally high on your own supply.
We offer you a curated retreat in a secluded area in the Austrian mountains, with breathtaking views and beautiful lakes. We will focus on the theory of breathing, cold water training, daily hikes, building campfires, group sharing. We believe in less is more. So, silence, digital detox and natural local foods are essential for this experience.
This Iceman retreat is held in a hidden valley with 2 mountain huts as our base and will be led by Iceman instructor Oscar Bieleveld and facilitator Michiel van Ogtrop. Our mission is that you will go home feeling connected, empowered and inspired to make the most out of your life.
Michiel is a FNL facilitator and NOBCO accredited coach. After 9 years of being an entrepreneur and a few ups and downs, he went deep within. A memorable nature trail caused a long lasting shift in his perception of life. After a lot of "homework" he started dedicating his time to sharing what he has learned over the years, via trails, retreats and coaching. He is a firm believer that these trails and retreats have a major impact on people’s lives, by bringing you back to your true nature.
Nature Trails & RetreatsThis man is full of adventure and drive. Friend and student of Wim Hof (the Iceman). Climbing the Kilimanjaro in freezing temperatures with only a pair of shorts and still smiling. Oscar is always positive and knows how to motivate and inspire people. He also does this in his own company Moongro.
Lungau, AustriaI understand your time is precious...
That is why a short call can help you get a better idea of what we offer.
After this conversation you have plenty of time to let everything sink in. I will of course handle your question and information discreetly.
Click on the button below to immediately schedule a short call.