Regaining the feeling of freedom, consciousness, physical strength, mental power, emotional connection and creating headspace. Simply by being in nature, supported by life changing experiences (breathwork, physical challenges, vision quest, sweat lodge and more) in the truly unique setting of a UNESCO protected nature reserve in North Umbria, Italy.
You will be guided by Oscar Bieleveld, Zowie and Michiel van Ogtrop. We are entrepreneurs, adventurers, certified coaches, breath teachers, medicine men and we are driven by positive energy to help you feel alive. Not a woolly approach, but experiential, in-depth and to the point.
From your mind to your body, from restlessness to peace, from stuck to freedom, from controlled to rewilded. Showing you the way how to get high on your own supply.
Modern day society is not a very healthy place. We are not naturally equipped to handle life’s fast pace, to perform under continuous pressure and the influence of its extreme information density. In these times people can be restless, stuck in their mind, feeling controlled etc.
Therefore it is absolutely crucial to be mindful and work on your own mental and physical health. This retreat is a great kick start for a change of lifestyle, it gives you tools for different perspective on life. Potential follow up guidance and an annual checkup would help you stay on track.
Are you ready to feel alive again?
It is a unique place, a secular hermitage where you can spend a relaxing and regenerating time, away from the noises of everyday life, in a majestic isolation in front of the Unesco Biosphere Reserve of 3000 ha of pure nature.
The monastery has totally been created from scratch with all the basic needs for modern day luxury. The rooms are called “Celluzze” in the spirit of those ancient monk quarters, while the austere aesthetic aims to provide guests with an “old luxury”experience, meaning plenty of quiet and space to reflect and rejuvenate.
You can find a mini spa, lounge corners with a fireplace and a cosy silent dining area. Furthermore the outside nature does it’s work.
Michiel is a FNL facilitator and NOBCO accredited coach. After 9 years of being an entrepreneur and a few ups and downs, he went deep within. A memorable nature trail caused a long lasting shift in his perception of life. After a lot of "homework" he started dedicating his time to sharing what he has learned over the years, via trails, retreats and coaching. He is a firm believer that these trails and retreats have a major impact on people’s lives, by bringing you back to your true nature.
Nature Trails & RetreatsThis man is full of adventure and drive. Friend and student of Wim Hof (the Iceman). Climbing the Kilimanjaro in freezing temperatures with only a pair of shorts and still smiling. Oscar is always positive and knows how to motivate and inspire people. He also does this in his own company Moongro.
After a successful career in the creative industry Zowie made a profound shift. Studying with various teachers from the Andean Amazonian traditions and tribes The relationship he has built with himself, the plants and ancient rituals, together with the Sweatlodge became his main tools to assist people in their personal and spiritual growth.
Umbria, ItalyI understand your time is precious...
That is why a short call can help you get a better idea of what we offer.
After this conversation you have plenty of time to let everything sink in. I will of course handle your question and information discreetly.
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